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Beauty secrets

 Beauty secrets
Categories: Great quotes

Secrets of Beauty (Beauty of Worship)

Have you tried to love any type of worship? Have you read, asked, and learned the etiquette and jurisprudence of this act of worship and everything related to it, and then practiced it with love, comfort, and happiness, so that you began to live your most beautiful times while you were with it? Have you searched for the secrets of this worship in books and asked scholars, people of knowledge and experience, and preachers to God Almighty about them? If you succeed... because education on the religious and faith side has a magical effect in the lives of the people and has a very big role in their success and happiness in both worlds. Thus, people’s lives improve. Know that every act of worship has a great impact on man’s faith. It is the reason for the increase in faith, and its deficiency is the direct cause of the lack of faith. It is also necessary to improve the behavioral and moral aspects, as the Messenger, peace and blessings be upon him, told about the man whose prayer will prevent him from committing sin. When you practice these acts of worship with perfection for a certain period of time, you will find love between you and this worship. , closeness, and comfort... You find your nerves relaxed and your feelings and senses flourished, and you begin to deal with this worship with ease, ease, and gentleness, and you even find yourself in it. In the past, Al-Ghazali mentioned that this state of ecstasy, comfort, and passion for worship may lead to complete sincerity, but let us try this. The situation first, and we enjoy it and live it, then we dialogue about the opinion of the scholar Al-Ghazali. For example: If we say that you read the Qur’an and that every day you observe three parts of your prayer, then you will find that whenever you become connected to the Qur’an and this relationship becomes between you, you will find yourself not stopping at three parts, but rather sometimes reading four, five, or six parts, and you find yourself whenever you feel distressed or bored, escaping to The beautiful book of God, in which you find guidance, light, mercy, and tranquility...and every time you go a long way with the book of God Almighty. Completely forget yourself on this trip. And the one session that you had planned to be a quarter of an hour, for example, then you find yourself approaching two hours and you are still on a long journey in the depth of this love and on the banks of the seas of passion and beauty.. If a circumstance happens to you and you feel tired or sick or bored, then when you leave this worship for a day or two Or three days; Do not feel lost and neglected, not because you have a large balance, God forbid...! No matter how much you perform in worship, you feel shortcomings, as Ibn al-Qayyim, may God have mercy on him, said: The sincere servant only sees himself as shortcomings. Whoever knows God and knows himself will not see himself except with the eye of shortcomings... But what I mean is that there is a feeling within you that is being generated that you will be satisfied with a simple limit that may be a part or a half. A party or even a quarter, and this simple part for you is a big goal for others. When they read a quarter of the Qur’an, they think that they have done a lot. Glory be to God! As a result of God’s grace and mercy for you, He makes what is the minimum for you the pinnacle of performance for others, and thus Imam Ali - may God be pleased with him - said: “If your soul comes to you, carry it to obedience, and if it is far from you, carry it to obligatory duties as a minimum.” And regarding voluntary fasting: “On the authority of Aisha, may God be pleased with her, she said: The Messenger of God, may God’s prayers and peace be upon him, used to fast so that we say: He does not break his fast, and he broke his fast until we say: He does not fast...” Sahih Al-Bukhari It is love... Look at the beautiful holy hadith. What My servant draws near to Me with something more beloved to Me than what I have made obligatory upon him, and my servant continues to draw near to Me with voluntary acts of worship until I love him. If I love him, I will be his hearing with which he hears, his sight with which he sees, his hand with which he strikes, and his foot with which he walks. And if he asks Me, I will give him, and if he seeks Me, I will seek refuge with him.” Narrated by Al-Bukhari. You should meditate on this hadith and put it in a frame in your office, in your bedroom, and in your car. . I memorized this hadith while I was in middle school, but at that time it touched my virginal imagination, the innocence of childhood, and the serenity of beginnings, so I lived with this meaning. So if I “loved him” and wished that he would love me for one moment.. I long for this moment and I will pay my life for it. God Almighty grants you this love. If you love God - the Almighty - you love acts of worship and obedience, and improve your behavior and morals... Then God will love you and brag about you to the angels, and even command them, O My servants, I love so-and-so, so love him... But know that this love is mutual, so it is not in the relationship between you. And God is a one-sided love.... If you truly love God, He will love you, and if you do not worship God and turn away from Him, He will turn away from you, as Ibn al-Qayyim reported: In a beautiful example in his valuable book, The Secrets of Prayer, that there was a man who went to meet the king, and when he came... The king made a mistake and left and got busy with other things, such as furniture, servants, and luxury. Will the king accept him? Of course not. Look at this hadith: “O son of Adam, I created you to worship Me; You missed everything, and I love you more than everything. It is love... There is no doubt that the father of acts of worship or obedience is conquests from God that he brings to you, so enter through this door and do not hesitate. Live within the confines of these conquests, and the door of fasting, the door of the Qur’an, the door of remembrance, the door of maintaining family ties, the door of charity, or visiting the house of God and our Prophet, may be opened for you. He says: One of the followers knocked on all the doors and found them crowded. He searched, but the door of humility to God was empty, so I entered through it.. This means that the chapter on prayer, goodness, and love for Him is many and crowded, as is the chapter on fasting and other things, so if the chapter on humiliation to God and disappointment is empty, then submit to God and repent to Him. But a fact that you must know: There is no Muslim servant except that God opened the door to him at one moment and made him taste the sweetness of closeness to Him and the beauty and splendor of this law. He knew that this is good, but unfortunately he chose to stay away from these acts of obedience and resort to sins.. Yes, they chose, with their full will and with their entire minds, to They turn away from God - the Almighty - and dive into this rotten swamp... Yes, they chose with all freedom and peace of mind after they tasted the sweetness of obedience, and God provided them with its pleasure and taught them the good in it... But their malicious souls swept them away, sinking into the mud and loss for months and years, then they woke up on one of the occasions. So they commit acts of obedience little by little, like an addict of alcohol, drugs, and all evil things who is on the verge of destruction. He rushes to an addiction clinic for a week or a few days, recovers a little, and then returns to practicing falsehood with unparalleled ferocity and lust. Yes, they quickly return to being lost, and they cast their pretext and dependency on Satan, society, or circumstances. They are the foundation of corruption, the symbol of loss, and the source of evil. . The secrets of worship that Al-Ghazali told about in his revival. There is a beautiful book by Professor (Mustafa Mashhour) called Zaad on the Road. I read it while I was in university. I read it several times. It talks about the sustenance in worship: fasting, zakat, prayer, and Hajj...... There are also books. Imam Ibn al-Qayyim and meanings that are sometimes scattered and sometimes lavished in the interpretation of shadows and other books. These secrets are not limited to anyone, and no jurisprudence has mentioned them nor have texts mentioned them. Rather, they are beautiful meanings that come from the heart... Yes, from your heart. Is it between you and God that you care about this? The heart becomes more clean.. Yes, look at your heart as it lives within the confines of these acts of obedience and come up with the meanings that you deem appropriate for your life through your thinking, contemplation, and feelings with your Most Gracious, Most Merciful Creator, Al-Wahhab.. Written by Professor Ali Al-Sayyar
Categories: Great quotes
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